Getting Away With Murder(s)
“Epic documentary…an understandably gruelling yet thought-provoking film.” Tom Dawson, TOTAL FILM
Tull Stories was engaged to provide booking support services for the film by partner Guerilla Films/filmmaker David Wilkinson.
During the Holocaust almost 1 million people in 22 countries carried out the unprovoked murder of 11 million innocent men, women and children. 99% of those responsible were never prosecuted; most were never even questioned.
The Allies knew what their crime was, and where these people could be found – Germany, Austria, Italy, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and numerous countries in South America. However, after the late 1940s, almost nothing was done.
Released to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of the sentencing of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. This film picks up where the IMT trial left off and director David Wilkinson asks the question – why were so many people actively permitted to get away with their crime(s)?
Wilkinson’s journey takes him all over the UK, to Ireland, the USA, the killing fields of Lithuania, Latvia and the Czech Republic, to the infamous death camp Auschwitz – Birkenau in Poland, to Austria, France and, of course, Germany.
Released autumn 2021
- Director: David Wilkinson
- Year: UK 2021
- Duration: 175 minutes
- Cert: 15
- Genre: Documentary
- Production company: Guerilla Docs
“A strikingly ambitious work about the Holocaust…..carrying on where the great Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah left off…..Getting Away with Murder(s) shows twice over that there is still fresh ground to be covered…..” ★★★★
Mansel Stimpson, Film Review Daily
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