Met Film Distribution
Cinema booking and strategy – A Bunch Of Amateurs
“His cool head and deep exhibition relationships were fundamental to the film’s success.”

The project
Tull Stories was asked by Met Film Distribution to provide cinema booking support for Kim Hopkins’ critically acclaimed and multi-award-winning independent documentary feature A Bunch Of Amateurs.
The solution
Released at a fairly congested time of the year, in the lead-up to Christmas 2022, A Bunch Of Amateurs needed a careful approach to establish itself with UK cinemas. A multi-award winner, and with excellent word-of-mouth and critical reception, the film was nonetheless a fairly unknown quantity to cinemas and audiences. Our approach was primarily to the cultural cinema sector, but the film also has a) a strong Yorkshire subject matter, and b) the opportunity to reach out beyond the traditional documentary market. Our three release priorities were therefore cultural cinemas, cinemas in Yorkshire and selected mainstream/chain exhibitors, with a view to encouraging a very long-tail release, well into 2023.
The result
At the time of writing (December 2022), A Bunch Of Amateurs has so far been screened all over the UK in over 100 cinemas. This includes chain and independent cinemas. The release was supported by an excellent UK PR campaign encompassing multiple TV, radio and print appearances, and incredibly strong reviews. Bookings continue well into 2023.

JT is a dream to work with. He was a perfect partner to have on the A Bunch of Amateurs theatrical campaign. His cool head and deep exhibition relationships were fundamental to the film’s success. We very much look forward to collaborating with him again in the near future.”
Zak Brilliant, Head of Sales & Distribution
Met Film Distribution
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