Oska Bright Film Festival

Business development support, audience development & distribution strategy

“Jonny brings a wealth of experience spanning exhibition, distribution, audiences, and marketing, which is hard to find in one person.”

The project

Brighton’s Oska Bright Film Festival is the world’s leading festival for films made by or featuring people with learning disabilities or autism. Since 2019 Tull Stories has been working with the Festival’s management team to provide film industry support across business development and strategy, distribution of the Festival’s film programmes and the development of a wide range of training and support initiatives for the wider film exhibition sector.

The solution

We have worked closely with the Festival team to provide input into future plans and strategies and work on training and development programmes. We have acted as liaison between the Festival and the wider industry and our regular meetings keep us on track as the Festival’s profile and activity grows.

The result

The Festival has recently issued Welcoming Learning Disabled Audiences Back, a free resource for the cinema sector as part of its wider Welcome Back support programme. It has also created a new Welcome Back network of exhibitors to ensure that our support is relevant and responsive to the needs of the cinema sector. We are currently working towards further industry support programmes.

Jonny is everything the sector should be: kind, supportive, passionate, and knowledgeable.

He is an absolute delight to work with. He has helped us define our mission and encouraged us to be ambitious and make bold changes across the sector. Thanks to his support and advice, things that were a dream for us are happening.

Jonny brings a wealth of experience spanning exhibition, distribution, audiences, and marketing, which is hard to find in one person. He’s supported us through years of change and has been a constant.

He is also a lovely person, and it’s a joy to get to work with him.”

Lizzie Banks, Deputy Artistic Director
Oska Bright Film Festival

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